Hilfe für Schnellzugriffstasten

Englisch B1 plus - Bird-Watching in English: Fennpfuhl





Auskünfte zur Anmeldung:

Tel.: (030) 902951700     Fax.: (030) 902951704     E-Mail: vhs@ba-pankow.berlin.de, http://www.vhspankow.de

Fachliche Beratung:

Herr Christian Schmelter, Tel.: (030) 90295 1712/-1713, Fax: (030) 90295 1704, E-Mail: christian.schmelter@ba-pankow.berlin.de


Enjoy gentle guided walks to Berlin?s secret places and stimulating English conversation about birds appearance, habitat and habits.
Located in the most densely populated district in East Berlin, the Fennpfuhl and the surrounding 9.5 hectare park are very peaceful and attractive. A place to unwind and enjoy nature at first hand.
As well as many sculptures and mature trees the park is home to a surprising variety of woodland and water birds.
This gentle 2 kilometre walk is suitable for people who can't walk too far, there are dozens of park benches, many of them overlook the water. If you sit quietly, you may well find yourself sharing a bench with a curious bird or two!

❔ Meeting point is the tram stop at Roederplatz, in front of the City Point Center, Tram M8 and M13.

Weitere Informationen: Porträt des Kursleiters Robert Crouch


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Bitte beachten Sie:


Crouch, Robert

Unterrichtseinheiten (45 Min.):

3 UE


0.00 EUR


0.00 EUR

Sa, 16.11.2024, 11:00 - 13:15
Zur Kurssuche