Hilfe für Schnellzugriffstasten

The Creative Writing Starter Kit




Auskünfte zur Anmeldung:

Tel.: 9018 37474     Fax.: 9018 37488     E-Mail: Infoservice.VHS@ba-mitte.berlin.de, http://www.berlin.de/vhsmitte

Fachliche Beratung:

Frau Susann Thust, E-Mail: susann.thust@ba-mitte.berlin.de


Do you have a story to tell? Not only one, billions of stories? But when people ask you to finally write them down, you don't even know how to start? Or you might be thinking:
"It's not really interesting." Or even: "But I'm not a writer."
Guess what? It's quite easy to become one. You just have to sit down and write. Maybe you're still thinking that you can't do it because you wouldn't do it right. Don't worry. There is no right or wrong in writing, especially not in the first draft.
However there are elements which make a story good or even brilliant. That's what we will explore. First what's inside of you, your voice and your stories, and next, what you can learn to polish them.
The course is designed to instruct, support, and inspire beginning and experienced writers in any genre and form. We will focus on plot and character but touch any theme the participants are interested in.

By the end of the course you will have more fluency and confidence, more knowledge on craft and greater motivation to keep on writing.

The course language is English. Your course instructor can answer your questions in German when required.

Jesse Falzoi's short stories have appeared in magazines and anthologies in Germany and abroad. She won literary awards in Germany and Switzerland. Jesse has a MA in Literature and an MFA in Creative Writing and focuses on fiction and non-fiction www.jessefalzoi.de


Bitte beachten Sie:


Falzoi, Jesse

Unterrichtseinheiten (45 Min.):

24 UE


86.80 EUR


48.40 EUR

VHS Berlin Mitte, 10115 Berlin, Linienstr. 162, Raum 2.02
Sa, 09.11.2024, 11:00 - 18:00
So, 10.11.2024, 11:00 - 18:00
Sa, 16.11.2024, 11:00 - 18:00
Zur Kurssuche