Hilfe für Schnellzugriffstasten

Hand Embroidery for Beginners




Auskünfte zur Anmeldung:

Tel.: 9018 37474     Fax.: 9018 37488     E-Mail: Infoservice.VHS@ba-mitte.berlin.de, http://www.berlin.de/vhsmitte

Fachliche Beratung:

Frau Susann Thust, E-Mail: susann.thust@ba-mitte.berlin.de


In this introductory workshop on hand embroidery, you will learn several basic stitches as well as some more advanced ones, enabling you to embroider any project you can imagine. We will focus on linear embroidery stitches, those for filling surfaces, and those that create a 3D effect by protruding from the fabric. You will gain insights into this traditional craft, including information on the best materials, transfer methods, and ways to present your projects, among other valuable tips. The course will conclude with you embroidering your own design on a piece of fabric or a clothing item of your choice. Prior knowledge of sewing or drawing is not required.

Santiago started learning embroidery in 2015 while he was doing interviews with needle crafters for his studies. Thanks to those women, he was able to learn beautiful techniques. His work is focused mostly on portraits of animals and humans using the needle painting technique.

The course will be held in English. The course instructor can answer your questions in German and Spanish.

This course is made possible through the Crossover-Contest, organized twice a year by the VHS Berlin Mitte. German learners can apply to lead a course with the Crossover-Contest, you can find more information here


Please bring the following materials with you: Embroidery/Quilting needles number 7, 9 or 10; 15 cm embroidery hoop, light-coloured cotton flat-woven fabric (such as poplin or canvas), six-strand Mouliné threads (such as DMC, Anchor, Madeira or Rico). It is also possible to buy the material - set contains a hoop, fabric, needles and threads - from the course instructor for approx. 10 Euros (paid by the participants to the course instructor on the first day of the course.)

Bitte beachten Sie:

Participation in the course is FREE but prior registration is required. Please bring the following materials with you: Embroidery/Quilting needles number 7, 9 or 10; 15 cm embroidery hoop, light-coloured cotton flat-woven fabric (such as poplin or canvas), six-strand Mouliné threads (such as DMC, Anchor, Madeira or Rico). It is also possible to buy the material - set contains a hoop, fabric, needles and threads - from the course instructor for approx. 10 Euros (paid by the participants to the course instructor on the first day of the course.)


Celio Cioli, Santiago

Unterrichtseinheiten (45 Min.):

12 UE


0.00 EUR


0.00 EUR

VHS Berlin Mitte, 10115 Berlin, Linienstr. 162, Raum 4.04
Di, 26.03.2024, 17:00 - 20:00
Di, 02.04.2024, 17:00 - 20:00
Di, 09.04.2024, 17:00 - 20:00
Zur Kurssuche