Hilfe für Schnellzugriffstasten

Printmaking with Lino




Auskünfte zur Anmeldung:

Tel.: 9018 37474     Fax.: 9018 37488     E-Mail: Infoservice.VHS@ba-mitte.berlin.de, http://www.berlin.de/vhsmitte

Fachliche Beratung:

Frau Susann Thust, E-Mail: susann.thust@ba-mitte.berlin.de


This course will provide participants with a practical introduction to lino printmaking. During two sessions, participants will learn the basics of printmaking with lino including: creating and transferring the design, carving the plate, colour work and printing technique. Upon completion of the course, participants will come away with their own unique set of hand designed prints and practical knowledge on how to continue printmaking e.g. how to set up a home studio. The aim is to create a safe and creative learning environment where everybody feels comfortable and inspired to experiment with printmaking, during and beyond the course. The course is suitable for beginners as well as people who have some experience with lino printmaking.

The course will be held in English. The course instructor can answer your questions in German.

Daisy Kidd is a printmaker and creative facilitator who has been living in Berlin since 2016. She graduated from Manchester School of Art in 2014 with a degree in Contemporary Art History and has a background in nonprofit and community orientated work.

This course is made possible through the Crossover-Contest, organized twice a year by the VHS Berlin Mitte. German learners can apply to lead a course with the Crossover-Contest, you can find more information here


Bitte beachten Sie:

Participation in the course is FREE but prior registration is required. Please bring the following materials with you: A sketchbook or paper to draw on, drawing materials to sketch out a design (pencil, pen, whatever you feel comfortable with). Additional costs for extra material per person (paper, ink, and tools): 5 Euro, paid by the participants to the course instructor on the first day of the course.


Kidd, Daisy

Unterrichtseinheiten (45 Min.):

12 UE


0.00 EUR


0.00 EUR

VHS Berlin Mitte, 10115 Berlin, Linienstr. 162, Raum 3.04
Fr, 23.02.2024, 17:00 - 20:00
Sa, 24.02.2024, 10:00 - 17:00
Zur Kurssuche