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Re-membering and Honoring my Sacred Feminine: A Women?s Circle on Gender, Body and Sexuality




Auskünfte zur Anmeldung:

Tel.: 9018 37474     Fax.: 9018 37488     E-Mail: Infoservice.VHS@ba-mitte.berlin.de, http://www.berlin.de/vhsmitte

Fachliche Beratung:

Frau Tanja Waldeck, Tel.: (030) 9018-37424, E-Mail: tanja.waldeck@ba-mitte.berlin.de


For ages, women and femininity have been suppressed and mistreated by the patriarchal systems that still dominate most cultures. For some time though we see the whole world and our GAIA -MotherEarth- going through a change, a shift that is bringing back the power to the Sacred Feminine that it deserves while leading to a redefinition of the masculine. We see evidence of this unfolding, in rising female leadership in the world (from Greta to feminist leaders in New Zealand and Latin America), increase in sacred feminine and sacred masculine/ masculinity gatherings, and growing ecological movements and ways of life that is in right relationship with the Earth.
This is a course for all who self-define as women. The course is meant to be a collective exploration of our femininity, with an aim to liberate our minds and bodies of the cultural notions of shame, guilt, imperfection, limited expression in the world, and to discover and reconnect to our Sacred Femininity, to the ancient wisdom of our bodies and sexuality and create new ways of being that are more healing, balanced and whole. The format of the course will be a women?s sharing circle, held for 8 weeks (1 introduction session followed by 7 weeks of gestation/unfolding). Using scientific and fictive readings, films, writing exercises, artwork, movement, meditation and sharing of our own experiences from childhood to now in a safe environment. We started the circle last Spring Semester. We will continue our exploration on gender, historical degradation of the feminine, body image, childbirth, menstruation, motherhood, communication/expression and close with the session on re-membering and reuniting with the Sacred Feminine.

Dr. Ayse Dayi is a psychologist, mindfulness trainer and Reiki practitioner (RMT). With her Orca Dreams Platform for Mindful Living, Ayse provides training and consultation to individuals and institutions on holistic health, stress reduction, mindfulness in education and workplace. Ayse is a certified MBSR Teacher, who has been teaching MBSR online and in person since 2020 to diverse group of individuals from Turkey, Germany, Europe and the U.S.


Bitte beachten Sie:


Dayi, Ayse

Unterrichtseinheiten (45 Min.):

26 UE


88.34 EUR


48.34 EUR

VHS Etage, 10551 Berlin, Turmstr. 75, Raum 205 (Gymnastik)
Mo, 16.09.2024, 16:30 - 19:00
Mo, 23.09.2024, 16:30 - 19:00
Mo, 30.09.2024, 16:30 - 19:00
Mo, 07.10.2024, 16:30 - 19:00
Mo, 14.10.2024, 16:30 - 19:00
Mo, 04.11.2024, 16:30 - 19:00
Mo, 11.11.2024, 16:30 - 19:00
Mo, 18.11.2024, 16:30 - 19:00
Zur Kurssuche